Nintendo Life
Come at the king, you best not miss.It’s safe to say that, 146 million sales later, Nintendo’s risk of launching a dockable handheld console in 2017 has paid off handsomely. After all, Sony’s PS Vita was all but dead by that point, and despite the 3DS managing to reverse its fortunes after a swift price drop in its first year…
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Talking Point: Can Sony And Microsoft Really Compete With Nintendo In A New ‘Handheld War’?
Come at the king, you best not miss.It’s safe to say that, 146 million sales later, Nintendo’s risk of launching a dockable handheld console in 2017 has paid off handsomely. After all, Sony’s PS Vita was all but dead by that point, and despite the 3DS managing to reverse its fortunes after a swift price