Actress Sai Pallavi, who is set to debut in Bollywood with Nitesh Tiwari’s ambitious project Ramayana, recently expressed strong displeasure over a media report that claimed she turned vegetarian for her role as Goddess Sita. The report, published on Wednesday, claimed that the actress vowed to abstain from non-vegetarian food until the film’s shoot concluded.Sai Pallavi Calls the Report BaselessSai Pallavi…
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Sai Pallavi SLAMS report on turning “vegetarian” for Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana, warns of legal action: “Cooked-up crappy story in the name of news”
Actress Sai Pallavi, who is set to debut in Bollywood with Nitesh Tiwari’s ambitious project Ramayana, recently expressed strong displeasure over a media report that claimed she turned vegetarian for her role as Goddess Sita. The report, published on Wednesday, claimed that the actress vowed to abstain from non-vegetarian food until the film’s shoot concluded.Sai