Courtney and Matthew Weil were extremely excited to start moving into their 138-year-old Italianate Victorian house whose fun rehab reels have gone viral on [TikTok]( But the timing couldn’t have been worse. The historic house they’ve been lovingly and expensively fixing up since buying it in 2022 is “exceptionally close” to one of the [largest
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‘If You Pray, Pray’: Homeowner in Path of L.A. Fires Fears for Her 138-Year-Old Victorian Filled With Antiques
Courtney and Matthew Weil were extremely excited to start moving into their 138-year-old Italianate Victorian house whose fun rehab reels have gone viral on [TikTok]( But the timing couldn’t have been worse. The historic house they’ve been lovingly and expensively fixing up since buying it in 2022 is “exceptionally close” to one of the [largest