Increases in Brain Size Occurred within Human Lineages Comprising Single Species, New Study Reveals
New research by scientists from the University of Reading and the University of Durham shows that encephalization (i.e., relative brain
New research by scientists from the University of Reading and the University of Durham shows that encephalization (i.e., relative brain
The Linear Pottery Culture (Linearbandkeramik, LBK) communities, which were the first to spread farming across large parts of Europe, showed
Paleontologists from Sweden and Poland have examined hundreds of fossilized samples of feces and vomit from the Polish Basin in
Bone needles found at the 12,900-year-old site of La Prele in Wyoming, the United States, were produced from the bones
Scientists from Curtin University and the University of Adelaide have analyzed a 4.45-billion-year-old zircon grain from a famous Martian meteorite
Paleontologists have hypothesized for decades that a major animal group called Ecdysozoa must be older than the Cambrian period, but
Astronomers have discovered a transiting exoplanet -- named IRAS 04125+2902b -- orbiting a 3-million-year-old, 0.7-solar-mass protostar in the Taurus Molecular Cloud.
Astronomers using the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), a state-of-the-art instrument mounted on NSF’s Nicholas U. Mayall 4-m telescope at
When NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft flew by Uranus in 1986, it provided scientists’ first close glimpse of this ice-giant planet.
Astronomers have observed Gliese 229 B with the GRAVITY interferometer and, separately, the CRIRES+ spectrograph at ESO’s Very Large Telescope. The post
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