Trump is freezing climate funds. Can he do that?
Courts have ordered the president to release Biden-era climate money — but he’s holding out...
Courts have ordered the president to release Biden-era climate money — but he’s holding out...
At COP29, a decade-long effort to realize the ambitions of the Paris Agreement could give the world a way to
As countries deadlock at COP29, take Grist’s quiz to find out whose side you’re on...
At this year's U.N. climate talks, the Biden team hopes a push for one of the most controversial forms of
Hello, and welcome back to State of Emergency. I’m Jake Bittle, and today we’re going to shift the focus away
11 percent of the country’s emissions come from agriculture. Will Congress do anything about it...
The company’s pledge to conserve water at its data centers doesn’t account for the thirsty power plants that keep them
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