Privacy And Policy

Privacy Policy – “News Online” WebApplication

It is the policy of the News Online website and any of its affiliated websites (hereinafter: News Online) to respect your privacy.

This document comes to clarify the privacy policy of News Online as far as possible, as well as the way News Online uses information shared by you or collected from you while using the website.

Gathering of Information
The data collected from you by using News Online is partially statistically significant data and is not personally-identifying. It is not kept alongside your personal information, and only includes information such as advertisements you read, internal and external links that you use, IP systems that you see, offers and services that interest you, and the URL and operating system that you use.

News Online uses the services of various businesses to statistically analyze the usage of the websites. These businesses collect and analyze statistical information for the purpose of analysis, research, monitoring and detecting browsing patterns.

News Online also includes certain services that require prior registration. If you choose to register to these services, you will be required to enter personally-identifying information, including your name, address, type of products and/or services in which you are interested, payment method (if relevant), and other contact information such as your email address. This is information that you knowingly provide when registering to News Online or to the services offered by News Online or by third parties.

Fields that are required fields are marked as such. Note that without providing the information requested in these fields, the use of services or applications that require registration will not be possible. The use of data provided by you during registration will be used only in accordance with this privacy policy or by provisions of law, and for the following purposes:

  • To enable the use of services that are based on personal information, such as social networks websites, Internet forums, online games, receiving discounts, and other activities that are offered or will be offered in the future on News Online.
  • To improve upon the content and services offered on News Online and to create new content and services that are tailored to the needs and expectations of the visitors, or to make changes or eliminate existing services and content.
  • To enable the purchase of products and services on News Online– including sharing information, photos, and content by the user.
  • To personalize the advertisements that appear on News Online when viewing pages related to personal interests. This does not include identification of the name or address of the user by News Online.
  • News Online may send you email messages now and then concerning its services, as well as marketing content and advertisements. This may be sent by News Online itself or by other businesses who advertise on News Online. You can ask to stop receiving this content at any time. As mentioned above, News Online will not share your personal information to the advertisers.
  • To contact you (if needed) or for the purpose of analysis and sharing statistical information with third parties, including advertisers. This information does not include personally-identifying data.
  • For any other purpose specified in this privacy policy or in the terms of service of any of the relevant services on News Online.

The Sharing of Information with Third Parties
News Online will not share your personal information or the information on your browsing patterns, except in the following cases:

  • If News Online receives a judicial order to provide personal or other information about you, or if News Online Is requested by law to provide personal or other information about you to a third party.
  • When you purchase products or services from third parties on News Online, the necessary information for supplying the products or services and contacting you will be shared with the third party. In addition, if you take part in an activity that is offered by News Online in cooperation with a third party, your information connected with that activity will be available to the third party.
  • If you violate or try to violate the News Online terms of service or those of any service offered by News Online, or if you act in an unlawful manner.
  • In the case of a dispute, lawsuit, or legal action between you and News Online.
  • If News Online believes that providing the information is necessary for the prevention of significant harm to you and/or a third party and/or News Online itself.
  • News Online may share your personal information and the information collected from you while using the website with other related or unrelated companies, on condition that they use the information in accordance with this privacy policy.
  • If News Online Is incorporated into another company or business, it may provide the company or business with a copy of all the information collected about you or any other statistical information it has, on condition that the company or business acts in accordance with this privacy policy.
  • Certain applications on News Online enable third parties such as other visitors on social media to see what content you read or what pages you open on News Online. By using these applications, you acknowledge and agree to share this information and will not have any claims against News Online.

News Online uses “cookies” for personalization purposes and information security. These “cookies” are used to help News Online operate properly, to authenticate information and to collect statistical data on your use of various websites.

Cookies are text files that are sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer by the user’s web browser. Some of the cookies expire when the browser is closed, while others are saved on your hard disk. The cookies contain information such as web pages you visit, external links that forward you to News Online from other websites, the amount of time that you spend on News Online, sections that interest you on News Online, etc. The cookies also store your login information for sections or pages that require registration and login and enter it automatically when needed. (For this reason, we recommend keeping a copy of your usernames and passwords in a safe place before deleting cookies.) The information on the cookies is encrypted, and News Online takes appropriate precautions so that it cannot be decoded by any other computers.

If you don’t want cookies on your computer, you can change the settings on your browser to refuse cookies, with the drawback that certain services and applications on News Online will not function. You can also delete the cookies on your computer at any time. You should do this only if you are sure that you don’t want your browsing on News Online to be personalized according to your preferences.

Information Security
News Online works to provide an appropriate level of information security throughout its systems. This reduces the risk of unauthorized intrusion of the News Online computers, but it doesn’t provide perfect protection at all times.

The Right to Information
According to the Israeli Privacy Protection Law (1981), every person is entitled to inspect, either himself or through a representative authorized by him in writing or his guardian, any information about him kept in a database. If he finds that the information is wrong, partial, unclear or outdated, he has the right to ask the owner of the database to correct the information or delete it. Such a request should be sent by mail to Moshe Sharet St. 37a, Ramat Gan 5241310, or by email to

Privacy Policy Changes
News Online may change its privacy policy from time to time. In the case of significant changes regarding the use of the personal information you provide while using News Online, a special notice will come out.